Saturday 28 May 2011

Only 17 days to go.

There's only 17 days to go till the 45 day trip to Europe and the great America.

Friday 27 May 2011

sorry about the misunderstanding.

It turns out that there is actually 18 more days till we actually fly out  woop de doo!

Thursday 26 May 2011

My new suitcase.... it's red!

I can't believe it there's only 12 days to go! Yesterday I got a new suitcase from my Mum, and guess what it is infact red. It is the lightest samsonite ever acording to the label(and for those of you that don't know what a samsonite is, it's a brand of suitcase.) It has got a number lock and I  nearly forgot the code myself But of course I remebered, it has got four wheels and two layers, the top one has netting and the bottom layer has a sort of racing car buckel.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The excitment is building up!

"I can't wait till the second plane". I say the second because we have to fly to Aukland first, the first place that we are actually going to is exciting LAX from there we are going to the home of casinoes Vegas baby! Then the home of Big Ben London,Athens,Naxos,Mykonos.Rome the floating city Venice o'leh barcelona. Prauge,bonjure!Paris back to London ,Aniheim then HOME!