Monday 20 June 2011

I'm in London!

Hi ya, I just got off the plane and man was it great! All though I didn't sleep as long as I would've wanted to, I did sleep for a good four hours. When we got out of the plane we headed straight to our apartment, when we got there there was a key waiting for us, and this high tech key. First I had to put the high tech key on this scanner, up the lift and into our apartment, as soon as we had a good look around, we went to a supermarket called sainsbury's, for the trolly we had to put a one pound coin in, that would trigger something to let the trolly go (we decided we were going to have lasagna. ) . so here I am now blogging to you all now.......        THE END FOR NOW!!!

1 comment:

  1. hope you are having a good time but i had to tell you that we are moving into D2 on friday please write back bye

