Sunday 12 April 2015

Last Day of Ranthambore and First few hours of Jaipur

When we woke up at 5:00 we went off to our last Safari of the trip. During the drive to the park we passed many small villages which resembled those of the Masaai Mara, we also passed many people who recognized my Blackcap's cricket top, this was quite cool. When we reached the park we were told that we were going up a hill or two. This is how it went.

On the way up to the top.

At the top looking down.

Somber Deer growing new horns.

Some more Somber Deer we saw on the way back at the watering hole.

Fresh Tiger pawprints (because they were on top of the tyre marks).

Bear paw (and bum) prints

Sadly that's it, after driving around looking for Tigers the fact still remains we did not see a Tiger*sniff *sniff. After the drive it was another four hour drive to Jaipur, this was not fun - slow and dull. After arriving we saw our hotel and the beauty that it is, it is home to many many Peacocks and Peahens which are also very beautiful. Here are the photos.

After relaxing for an hour we had dinner and went to bed for another early start to avoid the heat and "busy" morning tomorrow. 

Joseph Hewson

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful landscape and those peacocks what colours. EEK though re the bear and tiger marks1
