Friday 3 April 2015

Last Day of Singapore & First evening in India

First off, sorry I couldn't post something yesterday. That was because it was our last day in Singapore and we had to take a five hour flight to New Delhi, India and we got in to India at ten o' clock Singapore time. This meant we had to go to bed straight away. Now to continue on.

To start the morning we decided (before-hand) to wake up at 6:30 to watch the sunrise from the roof which would occur in twenty minutes. After watching the sunrise we went for our last 55th floor swim before splitting up to go to The Shoppes (me and mum - and no I haven't mispelt it) and go upstairs for a coffee (dad). This wasn't very eventful in both circumstances. Following these trips we regrouped at our room and headed out for lunch at Din Tai Fung for the last time.  As always it was a really good meal and we were pretty pleased when we left. After gettng our bags back from the concierge we headed for the airport via an hour long metro journey (this was not fun). It was busy, hot and long.  Anyway, when we got to the airport we went through customs, baggage drop off etc., when we'd done all the essentials we had some time to spare so we went up to the entertainment lounge where I thought they might have some arcade games or something. I was wrong they had a lounge full of computers and (I don't know how) fancy chairs, at first I thought "Hmm, ok, this could be fun." but it turns out that the whole lounge was full of twenty year old Singaporean men and woman playing Call of Duty with snapples in hand who weren't going nowhere anytime soon. 

Next it was off to our lounge where we would stay before we board. On the way to the gate we started to see these seats people were sitting in with their feet in these woolen cups that went up to their knees, these seats turned out to be massage chairs and after trying one:

 I can tell you it was very relaxing and a good way to calm down after a busy day of walking. We went to our gate got on the plane and the plane took off (of course) but through a thunderstorm.

After the flight we had arrived in India and we were quite tired but not so tired that we were getting frustrated. When we arrived at our hotel to our surprise we were greeted with lei of marigold flowers and a dot of red powder on the middle of our foreheads to show prosperity and this is how we looked.


As you can see I was pretty tired so we quickly went to bed to be woken again early the following morning for our walking tour of Old Delhi. 

Joseph Hewson


The post about the following day and our tour of Old Delhi will be as soon as possible. Keep in mind I have to get back on track.

Joseph Hewson

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