Tuesday 14 April 2015

Long drive from Jaipur to Udaipur

Our day began once we'd left the room had breakfast and were about to leave when, I started to here a consistantly ringing bell so me being me I went on the search to find this mystery bell. I started with the front door and to my surprise I had unconsiously walked into a morning prayer session, staff only, at least that's what I thought. When I saw them praying I felt quite akward and embarrassed but the GM noticed me and asked me to join them which I did, this was nice of him and at the end I thanked him. Quickly after this we started our journey to Jaipur the last stop in our "Golden Triangle" mini trip of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur (the most common places tourists go).  I mean we completed the golden triangle within this trip, The drive to Udaipur took eight hours in a car and from that I can recall I spent a lot of it in a car-coma. We stopped twice on our trip, the first time was a non-stop where we did nothing except go to the toilet, the second stop was at a small cafe where we used the restroom facilities, watched wasps and had our hotel prepared lunch with sandwiches, chips, more sandwiches, two rolls and some fruit. When we arrived at Udaipur we were greeted with a rose petal shower and bindis and cold towels.  We had nothing to do so we relaxed, went to the pool which was nice, had dinner at the in-house restaurant and went to dinner. All of this made for a rather blase day. Tomorrow we explore Udaipur and cover the basic stops/tourist places.  The only photos I have to show for today are the drive and the hotel - so here you go...

Drive to Udaipur

Motorbikes can carry so many more than one person here - and you can ride side saddle if you are in a sari

herbs for tea

pom-pom and tassle decorations on the trucks

workers looking for a days work

Marble, marble and more marble...

Our Hotel

Our room 

1 comment:

  1. Your hotel looks gorgeous and so do the photos of yourselves!! We are running out of adjectives here it all looks so stunningly serene in your hotels and then hectic and often impoverished out on the streets, such a huge contrast. Glad to read you said your prayers too. See you soon
