Wednesday 12 April 2017

Buenos Aires - Day 3

This morning was a late start sleeping in until 10.30 and was rushed due to the breakfast ending at 11:00. Again eggs benedict was the breakfast of choice.  We first headed down to the local laundromat and dropped our clothes off to be picked up at 3:00 later in the day despite the owners knowing approximately no English (it was a funny exchange using sign language to work out laundry times, closure times etc). 

We then caught a taxi to the Gallerias Pacifico where we browsed and then when we looked up saw this incredible piece of art on the ceiling not unlike that of the Sistine Chapel. In the mall were shops like Nike, Sony (sadly no Apple), Tommy Hilfiger, Ray Ban, G-Shock, you get the idea. 

After perusing the stores we walked down a few blocks through a street like the Cuba Mall in Wellington except a lot busier, we stopped in at El Ateneo (sadly not the amazing classical one) an old book store. After the book store we made our way down to the obelisk standing tall in the middle of 9th of July avenue, the obelisk is there to represent where the Argentinian flag was first raised after its original site was demolished to make way for the avenue. 

At the obelisk was a protest for taxi drivers' rights or something along those lines, the sound of fireworks going off was frequent all most as much as the sound of car horns when the drivers blocked the avenue and the obelisk with their cars. A more pleasant noise was the sound of the bands playing along with their protest chants, after the obelisk we made our way to the Cafe Tortoni for some lunch again.

 Cafe Tortoni

I just had a 7up and a toasted sandwich before we headed off. We walked all the way down to the Pink House and the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral to pick up some souvenirs and saw even more protests (it's what the people have to do in Argentina if they want to keep their rights, terrible I know). 

While I was waiting outside the cathedral I saw the changing of the guard(s) who guard the Tomb of General Jose De San Martin, sadly there are no photos, I was too slow to get the camera. Once we'd visited the Cathedral we walked for a while looking for a cab (lack of taxis due to protest). While waiting for our taxi, we saw more protests like this one of students repeatedly walking on the crossing, protesting then walking off.

Finally taking one back to the hotel, while in the cab the driver wanted to find out more about us and where we came from. Instead of coming from Wellington, New Zealand by the end of the trip we came from Melbourne, Australia, it just saved us a lot of awkward time and was an easier conversation. Again, when we went to the laundromat to pick up our clothes, my dad was Pablo saving time once more. 

When we eventually made it back to the hotel we all went down to have a swim in the amazing pool the Park Hyatt has.  Me and dad went into the Jacuzzi and then the hot Dry Sauna. All of these amenities were only made better by the fact that no one was there to use them not one person and the very helpful friendly staff at our disposal. 

After returning to the room we relaxed and got prepared for dinner, headed out via taxi and came in late to the tango lesson part of the night. Let me explain, tonight we went our to the Piazzolla Tango Night, a night split into three parts: Tango Lesson, Dinner and the Tango Show, we were late because the bus/van supposed to pick us up forgot us, so we had to take a taxi after approx. 40-50 minutes of waiting and missed the lesson part of the evening. 

After the lesson part of the night we moved into a neighboring theater we moved into our (not quite) box seats where picked out our starters, main and dessert (Caesar Salad, NY Strip Steak and Panna Cotta), had the very nice dinner and watched the show. The show was a mix of tango dance scenes, small tango band concert and solo tango style singing. 

All the parts of the night mixed well and involved impressive moves and ended at just the right time, after the show we were offered the bus ride home but thought better to catch a taxi, the ride took about 4 minutes and was a lot shorter than stopping off at all the other people's hotels. Overall it was a really nice day and night in Buenos Aires, Argentina, looking forward to something similar tomorrow.

Joseph Hewson  


  1. Whew that sounds another busy day! A shame you missed the lesson - we were looking forward to a demo and some instruction on the 5th!!! I guess each country has its own way of dealing with issues but that seems like a lot of protests but that is democracy too. Very heavy rain starting here and throughout the country - good that Paddy is safe and snug. Looking forward to the next edition and more fantastic pics.

  2. Hey Joesph, suppose your not getting Cyclone cook over there are you?! haha!! The ceiling of the mall looks amazing. Also next time you have trouble communicating with a froeigner maybe use Google translate?
