Sunday 16 April 2017

Iguassu - Day 2

Before I start about today I thought I should bring up the storms I started to talk about last night. As I posted last night the lightning flashes got more frequent and a lot more bright, so much so when we pulled the curtains back and turned the lights off the flashes light up our room almost fully like a light. This continued on throughout the night, I never thought I'd fall asleep to lightning strikes in South America.

Lightning lighting up the night sky.

Our store bought Argentine eggs, no Easter bunny for us.

Anyway, moving on to today. Today (Easter Sunday) started off with a full buffet of Easter foods and desserts, a great breakfast normally shared at home. After breakfast we caught the free (for hotel guests) shuttle bus to just outside the bird park a short walk away from the National Park, in the park was a mix of a lot of birds and then butterflies. The walk through the park took about 1 1/2 hours and was made up of wide open areas where the birds roamed and more zoo like enclosures, not small cages but still fencing. Here are some of the photos we took.

Breakfast buffet on Easter Sunday. 

Lunch's dessert station, Easter themed of course.





And you guessed it, more.

Retired first ever Brazilian Air Force One plane of an old President (across from the bird sanctuary).

 Bird and reptile park.

Anaconda sanctuary.

Boa Constrictor.

Butterfly house.



Possum like animals on the way back to the hotel after the bird sanctuary.

On the way back to the hotel from the bird sanctuary.

Once we'd finished the walk through the park we went across the road to the helicopter tours base but decided the weather looked like it was going to take a turn for the worst. We then caught the bus back to the hotel (still free for guests), had lunch at the pool side restaurant and played pool about 4-5 times with my day where surprise surprise I was not victorious. Moving on from the sad losses, when we got back to the room we decided to go out to the Iguassu Falls which was more calm than yesterday and I thought was more fun, Here are some of the photos we took from the falls.


Sights from walkway. 

 Views from peninsula type walkway over the river and falls.

Views from peninsula type walkway over the river and falls.

After our outdoor endeavors we returned via shuttle bus to our hotel where we (me and dad) played pool, after a few games I was still not victorious but came so close. I then went and got changed before heading out for dinner at the restaurant, it was a buffet although the only station I had to visit was the barbecue. I had the luxurious filet and chicken (somewhat reminiscent of Easter lunch back home) and a mini Crème brûlée and lemon pie for dessert. Tonight is our last night here in Iguassu and I think that I could stay some more, obviously I won't be but I could laze around this warm hotel paradise forever playing pool and eventually swimming in the pool. Tomorrow we fly to Rio de Janeiro where we will be staying for 4 days and 4 nights, until then happy Easter and goodbye.

Joseph Hewson

1 comment:

  1. Quite a bird theme going on here Joseph - or should I say a bird/egg theme. What an Easter breakfast I bet you remember this and tell your grandchildren about this easter morning and day. Those falls are magnificent arent they I didnt realise they are the largest in the world. But no wonder you went back to see them. We had a great easter too with your cousins, aunt and uncle and are relaxing today but nothing like your easter monday will be when you get to your new spot of course!
