Saturday 15 April 2017

Iguassu - Day 1

Today, as promised, was yet another relaxed day of travel. The day started of relatively early with a very breakfast on the way out the door and into the taxi to the airport. After the seaside trip to the Buenos Aires International Airport we got our boarding passes, waited around a while and then boarded the 2 hour flight to Iguassu, Argentina. It felt like a short flight and when we landed it was approx. 12:30, it was a small airport and it was very hot as soon as we got off the plane.

leaving buenos aires, Argentina

We got in our fancy transfer car and drove off across the Argentine border, through the Brazil border and through some of rural Brazil into the National Park. The National Park, being the Amazon Rainforest, was dense and green buzzing with cicadas and flies etc. we are staying at the Belmond Hotel the only hotel in the park and just across from the Iguassu Falls. The Iguassu Falls for those who don't know crosses the Argentine border with Brazil if that wasn't obvious already. From the entrance of the hotel you can see the falls in all their glory, another benefit of having the hotel inside the park is that when it closes us hotel guests get the falls and the subsequent walking track all to ourselves. When we got to the hotel we checked in, went to our rooms and went to on of the hotel's restaurants to get some lunch, we all had various forms of sandwiches with lots of water to stop the dehydration. Afterwards mum and dad went for a swim in the hotel's outdoor pool while I had a siesta in our room.

When we all joined again we went out to the falls to take some photos and take in the views, they were incredible, the mist was perfect in the sunset's rays and we had a great view of all the different walls of water gushing out from the cliff faces. At the bottom of the walkway when we were practically walking on the running water the mist of the crashing water was like a small rainfall on the little walkway peninsula. The final walkway made for some amazing panoramic views and some great slo-mo videos.

Walking down to the falls.

The platforms to view and get up close.


By the time we'd made our way back to the hotel the sun had set so we headed over to the buffet style restaurant with our jandals, t-shirts and shorts on. The food (the meat at the back of the restaurant) was great, they had over 50 types of meats which, from what I had, I can only assume were incredible. After dinner I got changed and met my parents ready for some pool (the game like billiards just to clarify) with some classical piano being played in the background we were ready. Sadly I won neither of the games but the table here was way better than that of the Patagonia Queen's, no unpredictable right angle turns tonight, oh no! 

That was the end of our first night in Iguassu. As I hear the thunder clouds rolling in and see the lightening strike I look forward to the tomorrow planned, a tomorrow with hopefully more sightseeing and relaxing in the heat. Happy Easter everyone back home in New Zealand! 


  1. Happy easter to you all from us here in NZ what a beautiful place you are in and lucky with the hotel - well planned Mum I guess! How strange to see photos of you playing chess - as you were doing this while I was talking to your Mum. Just a fantastic day from the look of jour photos.

  2. Happy Easter Joseph. Lovely photo of your mum and dad at the falls. The falls look amazing, I bet the noise was incredible too - makes Huka Falls look like a dripping tap!
