Sunday 9 April 2017

Patagonia - Day 2

This morning we woke up later than usual (6:45am!), got dressed and went downstairs to have breakfast. Shortly after our European style breakfast of ham, cheese and caramel toast!  We were picked up by the MarPatag minibus to take us through Patagonia to the dock where we boarded the boat that would take us for a whole day on the lake to see two of Patagonia’s glaciers. On the way, we took some awesome photos of the incredible views of the sunrise.


 Our boat
When we got to the dock we boarded and were seated at a round a table with two other people both from Sri Lanka.  The special thing about this tour of the glaciers was that it was food based meaning they would serve “gourmet” dishes throughout the day. As we were talking to the Sri Lankan couple we found out that they too were well travelled and were interested in the world.  First up on the menu was a morning tea style plate of miniature cheese scones (sprinkled with icing sugar) and chocolate fudge style cake.  As we dined we passed icebergs and smaller glaciers.
Heading towards the Andes, glaciers and icebergs

icebergs and the Upsala glacier in the background

When it came time for lunch we hadn’t realised how much of a multi-course meal it would be.  First was hot pumpkin soup.  Then followed a pulled lamb dish with small onions and figs, then a prawn risotto which we ate in front of one of the tallest glaciers in the national park, Spegazzini. 
Time for lunch

Dulce de leche pudding

Checking out the view in-between courses

 Before proceeding further with the menu, we went up on deck and into the bitter wind and rain to get a close-up look at the glacier.  The blues were amazing against the milky green of the lake water.

I, in my Wellington College scarf and three layers, found the chilly wind quite startling but as the day went on remained cold. We were all impressed by the guides multi-lingual skills giving multiple presentations in both Spanish and English.  We then went back inside for pudding (a very sweet pastry sandwich with caramel Dulce de Leche inside). 
Spegazzini Glacier

The boat sailed on and eventually parked the boat on shore(ish) and we disembarked for a short walk amongst an old “forest”. The walk was a lot shorter than expected but still full of interesting facts and sights, on the walk we got great views of Lago Argentina and were told about the cow problem the bay used to have.

We finished the walk with a stone skimming competition, Argentina vs. International, on the lake.  After a few practice rounds there were the finals which hmmhmmm I won for the commonwealth!!!.

 Afterwards we returned to the boat where we shared champagne (coke for me) on the way back to where we started. Overall it was a really good and fun day which I enjoyed more than I expected, the tour guide was nice and so was the rest of the crew and staff, a lot of photo opportunities and a trip I would definitely recommend.
When we got back to the lodge/hotel, it was already after 6pm.   I played dad in a game of pool, got changed and headed out to a small restaurant called Mi Rancho for dinner. It had really good food and service, I had a sirloin steak, my dad, stewed lamb and my mother, lamb filled tortellini all of which went down well, again would definitely recommend. Once again, a great day in Patagonia only improving my impression of South America and Argentina in particular.

Joseph Hewson 


  1. More Wows is the only reaction we can have. I had absolutely no idea how beautiful that part of the world was. Fantastic photos - you will need your own art gallery to give them pride of place. Congrats to the photographer - and the Creator of course. You are having a gastronomic adventure too I drooled over the figs and onions (not the lamb of course) but you will need to climb mountains if that's the daily menu!!!
    Nice to see you all looking cosy and warm and happy Wonder if the glaciers have "seen" a Wellington Coll scarf before? Congrats too on winning the skimming comp. Keep having fun and keep the blog rolling its great.

  2. Stunning photos Joseph. I can almost smell Antartica close by. We would expect nothing less than a win for the international skimming competition!
