Saturday 9 July 2016

Day 2 in Chicago - The Magnificent Mile

In the morning we got up, got dressed and had breakfast. After we had breakfast we started walking down from our hotel to Chicago's Magnificent Mile aka Michigan Avenue, Chicago's shopping street. On our way we walked along the riverbank which gave us a good view of the skyscrapers.  the river walk is only one year old and has lots of cafes and places to chill out and watch the boats go by. 
The Wrigley Building.

The Trump Tower.

Across the bridge we saw close-up the gothic tribune tower, a building which houses the WGN Radio Station as well as having bricks of rock from all over the world which their journalists had brought back from reporting missions.

Tribune Tower.

The Tribune Tower.

Some of the bricks on the side of the Tribune Tower.

More bricks from around the world(Taj Mahal, the berlin wall, the great wall of China, Westminster abbey, the Parthenon, Lincoln's grave, St Peter's Door in Rome) on the Tribune Tower. 

More bricks.




More bricks.

We stopped and looked at the building before walking in and out of shops all the way down the Mag. Mile.

The magnificant mile - main shopping boulevard in Chiacgo.

Dylan's Candy Store on the Magnificent Mile.

Hershey's on the Magnificent Mile.

Along the "magnificant mile" we saw the water tower, This is the only building to survive the Chicago Fire of 1871.  All the other buildings were made of wood so had no chance really.

We also went on the 360 Observation Deck Viewing Experience which is part of the John Hancock building with the Tilt Experience- you stand on platforms on the 94th floor looking out on the city, the glass 'tilts' forward and basically, you fear for your life. Here are the photos leading up to and after this point.
Views of beaches along the lake edge.

Downtown Chicago
skyscrapers with lawn on their roofs

Me on Tilt.

Me on tilt again.

Me after the eperience.
Once mine and Dad's stomach had calmed down post tilt, we decided to challenge it again with dinner Chicago going to Giordanos, to experience the famous Chicago deep dish pizza. It was so filling and tasty but rich and glutonous at the same time. I could only have two slices myself and the rest was put in a small pizza box for later. That time hasn't come yet...

Me eating the pizza.

The cheese from the pizza.

More cheese.  So much cheese....

 The Elevated railway.

We soon left for the hotel and again we had a nice, well deserved sleep ready for the next day.


  1. What a lot of walking you must be doing - hope Paul has it fitbit charged! I am amazed at the size of that pizza- can't quite understand why food is in such big servings but I guess in the end it's cheap cos it looks like that pizza would feed 3!! No wonder you could only eat a slice or two. Chicago just keeps impressing, there seems so much variety and so many interesting things to do. The beach looks like our Oriental Bay from the photo.

  2. If you get time have a look at the Holy Name Catholic Cathedral. It was built after the great Chicago fire - the other one burnt down. You should see the hats of the deceased cardinals who lived and worked there hanging from the ceiling. I couldn't have done that Tilt window so high up - wow.
