Wednesday 13 July 2016

Last day in Quebec

This morning started off like any other as we went down to to the lounge where we had a fresh breakfast of fruit and cereal which gave us the strength and power to carry on with our day. We then went to the lower part of Old Quebec City, after we jittered dow the stairs (instead of the funicular) and past a shop selling Quebec's wooden spoon instruments. Thought about it - but then remembered you can't bring an orange into New Zealand let alone a wooden spoon!

After the trek down through the bush we walked through the cobbled streets to the Palace Royale (the local town square) and looked around which involved exploring the rows of alleys, cafes, freelance artists and musicians. It was a rather relaxed trip as there is only so much Old Quebec Ciy to explore. The sun was beaming down on us and the humidity was high, this caused hair to frizz and emotions to quiver . After about two hours of wandering we locked ourselves voluntarily in, what seemed to be, a box with five heaters on full blast a.k.a the funicular back up to our castle. Starbucks saved us from lack of thirst .and heatstroke.  Here are the photos we took up until this point.

Lower Town Rue du Petit-Champlain.
Place Royale. town square

I don't know what this man is doing but he seems to be from yester year.

 Notre-Dame Eglise(Church in the square).
Old building in the lower part of Old Quebec City(who has half size houses these days *ha*ha).

Street opposite the Place Royale leading down to the port

Murale in the Place Royale.
After we went back to the hotel to catch up with the news as well as revive ourselves. Later we went down to the market next to the local church where we had crepes for lunch aswell as a maple taffey thingy on an iceblock stick which for a treat afterwards. This thingy as I call it is made by getting maple syrup above a certain temperature and then pouring it onto ice.  By putting it on ice, it cools down really fast and starts to harden. This, in turn makes it easy to just roll up on a popsicle stick. It was quite delicious.  We then proceeded to go up to the hotel where we rested for the rest of the afternoon.

For dinner we went to Cochon Dingue a restaurant with nice food but no AC this became a major problem as, yet again, body temperatures rose to boiling point and we had to peel ourself off our seats. We finally found "sweet" release through a fudge store with full air conditioning at a cool, refridgerated room(this is where my mother found her dessert). We again took the funicular to reach upper OQC, here I got my Ice Cream, for my dessert, went back to the hotel, and went to bed.  

 Crepes for lunch.

Maple taffy on ice

Rue Cul-de-sac

Chocolate slabs

Chateau and river from the Abraham plains

Tomorrow we travel to NYC and visit Time Square etc. et.


1 comment:

  1. "Yeah right" is the only comment I have on your last par!! Your plane trips are becoming an adventure in themselves. I suspect you e
    Njoyed those crepes (predictive txt made that creeps which I'm sure they were not) and it looked like you were having a go at making them. Can't help wondering how you are going in getting to New York. Our storm has subsided and really didn't amount to much.
