Monday 18 July 2016

New York City - Day 3

Yesterday, for breakfast, we went to Pret A Manger (after we found local cafes useless) before heading off to find where the students, and other new york residents live and the famous houses used in tv shows to typically depict of set the scene for NYC sitcoms.

On our way to breakfast, not soon after we started walking from our apartment we saw this street sign(below) which we likened to the end of the world(Google Saint Malachy and you'll know what I mean - or if you've been talking to Mum you'll already be well informed about the papal prophecies this Saint has made).  Anyway, Mum says this is more proof that the saint is legit - it even has it's own main thoroughfare in New york. 

So, after taking a subway we arrived at the Chelsea Market where we could observe a typical Saturday morning in suburbia.  It was like a large, big city version of Moore Wilsons with lots of interesting things to sample and buy.  I had two freshly made salted pretzels from the German section for breakfast, and we visited a cupcake and cookie shop where they make all types of brightly iced treats. We walked through the rest of the mrket and the small deli with cheeses, breads etc.

Saint Malachy Avenue.

 Chelsea market, converted warehouse into "moore wilsons" style supermarket.

Cookies and cupcakes in the shop.

More shops in the Chelsea market.

Deli in the market.

Breakfast pretzel and tahini stall.

Bakery in the Chelsea market.
We then headed out into the hot morning (already tipping 30 degrees and rising) to the next market which we had to walk through a "contemporary" wildlife walk to reach. Actually it's called the Chelsea High Line.

The Chelsea high line is actually a converted abandoned train track, now a garden walk for residents and tourists to wander and chillax in.
 Train tracks converted into garden.
Following the markets we walked to some famous houses seen in TV shows including: The Cosby House, The Sex in the City House, The Friends Apartment. We didn't only see these houses we also saw the most narrow house in New York and wandered the streets of Greenwich Village to have lunch.
Cosby Show house and Friends apartment.

Most narrow house.

Sex and the City house and street.
Pictures of streets in suburban Greenwich Village

Pictures of suburbia including local swimming pool.
More Suburbia but heading into NYU student area.

Stopping for homemade posicles during the hot hot day.
Then its was on to student land of NYU.
NYU Law School.

Chess in the local washington park.
Washington square arch, alongside NYU.
People cooling off from the smoking hot day in the park.
It was time to head home and rehydrate.  On the way back we stopped to see the Flatiron building.  Across the road was a huge Italian Deli called Eataly.  We stopped for gelato and a bit of air conditioning before getting back into the subway system This is what happened(through photos).Clock tower and Flatiron building.
Eataly, Italian food market and cafes.
Eataly, Italian food market and cafes.

Eataly, Italian food market and cafes.
Eataly, Italian food market and cafes.
Eataly, Italian food market and cafes.

Eataly, Italian food market and cafes.

Following our afternoon-tea we(and quick dinner) went to a famous off broadway play called shear madness. The show was hilarious and actually quite interesting for a comedy whodunit. I can't disclose the story as it would give things away(obviously) but I assure you it is a show you should see. It was very funny and interactive and I was able to assist the NYPD cops with their investigation.  After the show we went to the Hershey's and M&M store for dessert chocolate before heading back to our home away from home for a well need sleep. 

Shear Madness stage.
M&M store.

M&M store.

Horses outside the M&M store.



  1. Wot a fun day - and evening you had. I agree with you about finding a cafe for breakfast and we used to go to pret a porter in London. Your cousins were here for lunch today and are enjoying your reports. Thomas saw the game you went to but didn't see you in the crowds.

  2. Back again! Your Aunt J says she is impressed and enjoying your writing as we are and love all your photos . I'm not sure about Malachy

  3. I see yr comments on the interactive show / did you get to go onstage? Or were you a rowdy audience member. Love all the photos of the shops and streets. Cheers from us all
