Sunday 24 July 2016

Washington DC - Day 3

In our first morning in Washington DC we started off with a breakfast in a bookshop before heading off to explore all the museums which we saw the day before. On our way to our first Smithsonian, Air and Space, we saw the Department of Education and Transport as well as the African American History Museum, we moved on and made our way to the Museum's queue (a lot shorter than it would reach later in the day). We got inside the Air Conditioned room and looked for the more exciting exhibits of the museum. We moved to the left of the museum where we rode the jet simulators which spun 360 degrees, we then split up and walked around the museum looking at different things. Me and mum went and touched a part of the moon in a, surprisingly, small showcase before we headed up to the second floor where we went to the Wright Brother's exhibit showing the original plane, explaining how it works as well as displaying interesting facts This is what we saw.

 Department of Education.

Department of Transport.

African American History Museum.

Air and Space Museum main hall.

Jet pilot's professional gear.

Rockets and lunar module.

Piece of the moon .

William Wright and the first airplane.

After moving through the first Smithsonian we walked around a big park to our next Smithsonian, the National American History Museum, we queued and walked in and walked around the ground floor which on the left side explored old houses and the insides of them before we moved on to tht next floor. On the next floor was a small showcase to Prince with his special guitar before the big exhibit, the presidential showcase. There was housed first ladies' dresses and then a timeline of presidents and natinal treasures from them. We then returned back downstairs where we saw the exhibits of pop culture including an exclusively African American section, after this we went to the National Portrait Gallery. This is what we saw.

Fire trucks and food trucks.

Smithsonian castle and Washington memorial.

American History Museum(below).

Prince guitar and Carl Lewis' Olympic training suit.

James Brown outfit and Julia Childs' kitchen.

Civil rights Greensboro Woolworths counter.

Thomas Edison's journal and lightbulbs.

Ball gowns of the First ladies(below).

Hillary Clinton ballgown, Jacki Kennedy Ball gown.

Mary Lincoln and Michelle Obama's ball gowns for the inauguration.

Bush White House china pattern.

Clinton White House china pattern.

Reagan White House china pattern.
Election posters.

Lincoln's hat and presidential street signs.

Origins of the staf spangled banner national anthem.

Then off to the portrait gallery.

Benjamin Franklin and Pocohontas.

Prince of Wales visiting George Washington's grave at Mt Vernon.

Sierra nevada, California.

Air conditioned courtyard.

The George Bush presidents.

Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.

George washington.

Thomas Jefferson.

John Adams and Andrew Jackson.

JFK and Nixon.


Reagan and Taft.

After we visited the portrait gallery we went down the road again to an Italian restaurant where I had a pork chop, dad and mum shared a pizza, and we all went back home for sleep and a great day tomorrow.



  1. Another full day for you all. What a gallery of presidents you have on your blog. I would have loved looking at the historic houses and their interiors. I have a book here - the history of architecture - you should have a look when you are back to compare the features you saw in those exhibits. Your grandad loves the Smithsonian museums you wl have lots to share with him. Fantastic dresses and chinaware too. You will be sleeping as I write this - have a great day tomorrow. We look forward to more.

  2. Meant to say what a cool thing to touch a piece of the moon it will be interesting to hear what it looks like. We hope you've had a good day today even if it wasn't quote what you planned. Beautiful day here in Wellington almost like Dpring
