Thursday 7 July 2016

Traveling to Chicago

After a long period of time my family's world traveling has started up once more, this time venturing into the United States of America and Canada. As trips overseas often do we had to take a plane to the new country of choice(America), in this case the trip was long and tiring but overall worth it. Our first leg of the trip was to Auckland, this is because Auckland is the only airport in New Zealand that flies to Ameria. The flight to approx. 45-60 minutes(the shortest flight in the trip), as soon as we were dropped in Auckland we had to run the the domestic terminal, through the parking lot and into the international terminal to catch our flight just in time (we're not bad planners just victims to Auckland's fog). The 11 hour flight, as you're about to see, was flown in Air New Zealand's premium economy, a welcomed rarity to the Hewson family, this of course made the trip a lot more enjoyable and also a lot easier to sleep through.

After landing in LA we would then go to In-N-Out to pass the five hours of transit we had before boarding our plane to Chicago, Illinois.

This is me sitting in one of the premium economy's pod/space seats.

One of my first glimpses of America in 2016 happened to be one of a terrifying spaghetti junction.

The outside of In-N-Out, a fast food chain, styled like a 1950's diner, only on the west coast of America. As you can see it is a highly popular, it is also in close proximity to the LAX Airport which gives the chance for customers to watch planes land.

In-N-Out specialty dish "Animal Fries"(french fries with two slices of melted cheese, fried onions and thousand island sauce on top) alongside a cheeseburger.

Me enjoying my long awaited animal fries and double-double burger.

This is what I meant by seeing the planes land.

After our five ours of transit in LA we then headed to Chicago, Il where the time was two hours ahead, by the time we arrived in Chicago and got to our hotel it was 1-1:30 in the morning. The photo(above) is of Chicago at night and the light emitted from the city even it was so early in the morning.

Above is the colourful airport we walked through in the windy city(Chicago).

We arrived in our hotel and we quickly went to sleep to get enough energy for the morning and to fight the jetlag in order to get on with our holiday in peace.

It's the next day and I have survived the day so far ready for a day of shopping tomorow, I have already picked up on many cultural differences so far, as you will see in tomorrow's blog post.

Josph Hewson


  1. great to see your blog finally up- we have been checking in regularly and it's good to have so much to devour. Glad to see you are all having a great time and finally got that plane from Auckland . We have yet to read your news so will comment again after that.

  2. What a marathon journey you had So glad you got to visit In-N-out. It sure looks a fun place to eat with those planes nearby - but that looks a huge snack!!! Take care and enjoy.
