Friday 15 July 2016

Wasted Day in the Airport

Precursor: If you are wondering why I did not post yesterday I have to admit I was not feeling great, as in sick, so I was more focussing on not dying than my daily post. I am all better now and shall resume posting instantly. Enjoy!

The morning before yesterday's started off fantastically with our normal fruit and cereal breakfast on the "Club Floor". We didn't have time to do much exploring of the town except a little perusing of the quaint streets, yet again, before it was time to take a taxi to the airport where we would hopefully fly out to NYC, New York. The taxi ride was nice with the driver pointing out an ice breaker ship that the local Quebec people use annually to keep the ship routes available during the winter which ends up freezing the river, I was tired so kept on dozing off before jolting awake wondering where I was.

We arrived at the airport in due course where we checked in etc. After making it through the security checks(which I got randomly selected to do a drug test, I was clean) we sat in wait for our boarding call. After a while me and my dad went to get some lunch, there was a cafeteria which we made good use of. I got a penne pasta and my dad got a toasted panini, the pasta was made by a variety of frozen ingredients which I trusted at the time but I am now highly suspicious that it is the cause of undoing.

After an aray of postponements our flight to the NY JFK airport was cancelled due to bad weather. We looked into renting cars and driving to Boston over the course of the night, there were no cars so were boxed out of that option so instead booked an early flight to NYC for the next morning. We, through expedia, decided on a hotel close to the airport and left the airport to stay there, for dinner we went to the french-canadian McDonald's, which was interesting, we went back to the hotel before heading off to sleep and a 2.45am wake-up call for our early morning flight to NYC.


1 comment:

  1. Sad to hear you have not been well but you do sound better now. Oooh pasta!!!!you know my views! It's not fun hanging round airports with delayed flights but better that getting struck by lightening. We are looking forward to hearing about your time in New York - your grandfathers fav place. Alls well with Paddy too
