Saturday 16 July 2016

New York City - Day 1

After waking up at 2:45 there was no time for breakfast as we rushed to the airport in order to get to our early flight, by the time we got the airport I realised theat I was a lot of pain. After shakily sitting at a table for a while we went onboard the Delta Air Lines where I experienced one of if not the smoothest take-offs I have ever experienced, we soon landed in New York City on one of the many tarmacs in the JFK Airport. Once we landed we spent a good hour driving to our manhattan abode, we drove through Queens and manhatten (Two of NYC Boroughs) during rush hour. As we were coming into the main part of the city we got to see the skyline that New York is famous for.

A welcome to Manhatten via Queens Midtown Tunnel.

 Streets of Manhatten.

Once we reached our hotel we slept until approx. 11:00am which is when we woke up and explored Manhattan, some of the shops we visited included: The NBC Studios, Rockefeller Centre, St Patrick's cathedral where lunch time mass was underway, Radio City Building, The Met Gift Shop. All of these buildings as well as an aray of hotels were new to all of us. This is what we saw.

Radio City Building.

 Rockefeller Centre.

Rockefeller Centre(again).

The back of the Rockefeller Centre.

NBC Building(where Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show takes place).

St Patricks Cathedral.

The front door to the St. Patrick's Cathedral.

We stopped for lunch at Pret A Manger before carrying on uptown towards the upper wast side.

 Park Avenue.

 New York Palace Hotel.

Waldorf Astoria Hotel.


For afternoon tea, I had my first hotdog in NYC.  They have these carts on just about every street corner selling them with things like hamburgers, water and soda/pop.

Me and the hotdog.

Here's me at the Trump Tower. There was plenty of media camped outside waiting for Donald Trump's announcement as to who would be his VP.

I am one with Trump.

 CNN and MSNBC broadcasting outside the Trump Tower

 Abercrombie and Fitch store.

Nearby was the Apple Store on 5th Avenue where you could try out all of their latest technology.

Inside the Apple Store.

Inside the Apple Store.

Later that night we went to a classic American diner buffet dinner where we had pizza as well as Orangina to eat and drink. We had to pay for the pizza by the slice but they had a funny way of measuring my dad's dinner, by the weight of his plate. Further on in the night we saw our first stage show on Broadway called The Book of Mormon whic was about mormons, obviously, who were given the mission to go to Uganda for two years and convert the people there into their religion.  It was written by the people who do write the show South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, so was very funny, not recommended for young kids - or mormons.

The backdrop at the start of the show.

Following the show we moved on to Time Square where we looked at the main Toshiba building and took in the massive advertising boards with short video clips streaming on them. Even at night the humidity was very high along with the temperature. Me and mum later stopped by a truck on the street which sold ice creams(it was our dessert). This is what we saw.

our apartment building on time square

Me and my dad in Times Square.

Me and the NYPD

After our dessert we went back to our room and went to bed for a well deserved rest. Tomorrow we venture further into New York life.


1 comment:

  1. Loved reading about your first time in NY and seeing all those photos reminded us of our good times in NY too. You have a full on time there don't you. I suppose you are used to New Yorkers pronunciation of "water" something I always had to repeat many times over. Lovely suint day here in NZ but nothing like your temperatures. Rest well between all those adventures and tours.
