Friday 29 July 2011


                      We had an early start for our day at Disneyland so we could get there first.
Here we go ...
                                        First stop was Dumbo... mum was very uncomfortable

High-flying on Dumbo

                                             Then the Mad Hatter's tea-cups mum felt sick!
Dad wouldn't be smiling here
                                                 Then the finding Nemo - Submarine ride

                                      After lunch we headed to Paradise Pier.
                                              There were some BIG rides!

If only we hadn't just had lunch!
                                     Played Woody's arcade games which was awesome!
Mr Potato Head entertains at the Toy Story Game


Toy Story was worth the queue
                                        Then we headed back for the Main Street parade.
Main Street Parade

Main Street Parade
 Saw Jedi Training school.
Jedi Training

Come to the dark side we have cookies.
                                            And finished the day with some driving, and my creepy smile
                              Leaving tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday 27 July 2011


On sunday we flew to L.A America we got upgrades I spent most of my time talking to the flight attendants but I spent the other time watching "THE SIMPSONS" but apart from that we landed.

The next day, we picked up a car.  It's a big black car which Mum has to drive on the huge motorways.

Then we drove to hollywood and went up to the sign on the hill and the observatory but it was closed.

Down in Hollywood there were heaps of phony stars outside like ELVIS and so on.

we saw hands and footprints of famous people outside the Kodak theatre.

 Then we went to the warner brothers studios for a V.I.P tour.  First we saw a movie of the history of the studio and the movies and TV programmes they make like The Big Bang Theory, Friends, Bugs Bunny, Harry Potter, Batman, Dukes of Hazard, yogi Bear.

Then we got driven by golf cart and saw the the fake movie streets that were in movies and tv programmes like spiderman, friends, batman.

Then we got to see inside the studio garage where all the famous cars are parked liked the Batmobile, the General Lee, the Mystery Machine "ROOBY- ROOBY- ROO!"

Then we went inside some stage sets like Central Perk where Friends used to meet for coffee.

Then we drove down to our hotel in Anaheim.  When we got to our hotel we got given a hot cookie.  I get my own double bed.

Tomorrow we are going to downtown disney for dinner and to see "Arthur" the movie

Thursday 21 July 2011

Last day in France

First an answer to Uncle Michael's question. New Zealand has the best ice cream - of course.  But Italy has some pretty dam good ice cream to!

Today, I got up early and went up the Eiffel Tower. We were one of the first people there. But we had to wait half an hour until it opened. Even after that we still had to wait another quarter of an hour because it was late opening.

Once it opened, it started to rain, luckily we didn't need to wait long in the rain. We had to catch two lifts to reach the top - higher than the sky tower in NZ. Sadly it was very misty, so we didn't get a very good view from the top.

When we got down we went to a cafe where I ordered in french. "Un choclat chaud et un cafe espresso."

Next I went shopping with mum for clothes to wear to "The Ivy" restaurant tomorrow night. We'll have to look good for the papparazzi!  

I'll see you in the next woman's weekly or on my next blog

last few days in france

Yesterday we went to the TOUR DE EIFFEL to go up the three lifts, but the queues were to big so we're going to try again tomorrow.When we got out there were Gipsy's with fake petitions asking tourists to sign it. We knew that it was really a distraction to pickpocket people.

Then went to the Arc De Triomphe to go up to the top.  We stopped in a park and within 5 minutes 2 different gypsies walked past and amazingly each found a gold ring by where we were standing. I was about to say "PHONY, PHONY" about the ring but I was too kind.  Both of them asked us to take the rings and then for us to pay them. We thought this was weird.

Mum left us to go shopping while we went up the ARC DE TRIOMPHE. We had to wait a while unsurprisingly, when we finally started the climb we took some photos looking up. It didn't seem to take long before we reached the top.

I looked through a telescope on top, and saw that the Eiffel Tower was chocka with tourists.

We all stopped for lunch on the Champ Elysees before we went to the park by the Ritz.  Here again there were gypsies galore. I went on the superluge at the park - and I would highly recommend it. After that I went into an inflatable plastic ball in a pool, it was really hard to walk in.

Then went to the Notre Dame cathedral but the queue was too long to go in. As we left we met a man who knew the bombers of the "Rainbow Warrior" he said the wife of the French president live down the street we were at.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

France Day 1!

When I arrived in France, I saw the Concorde airplane at the airport. It used to fly passengers into space!

In the morning me and dad walked down to the market. We did that because we had to get tomatoes, two baugettes, three croissants and ham (in some parts of the ham they put stuffing!) I did the ordering in French. 

After that we went to a church that had two dead nuns in glass cases that you could look at but we could only see two. I could tell that one of them was fake because it looked plasticy, and the other still had skin on! I got some miracle medals.

 Soon after we went to an awsome playgroud.  It was so fun after I payed to go in I raced to a rope pyrimid, like the one in NZ at Orientel Bay. After that I went across to a flying fox, I always had to hold on to the bottom of it, because I always fell off the seat and hanging on by a thread.

Then we went to Montmatre.  This is a suburb of Paris which has the Place du Tetre artists painting in the square.

Nearby, was the Sacre Coeur church which had a great view of Paris,
Later on we caught the Metro to Grandad's favourite shop (Fauchon) for some macaroons

and to see the church called the Madeleine. I lit a candle and heard the choir sing -I thought that they weren't that good. Mum said Sacred Heart College choir was better.

Soon we walked down the main street of Paris called the Champs elysees.  On the way back we saw that people were putting flags and seats up for the Tour de France which ends here on Sunday.

We watched lots of gypsies ask for money and try pickpocketing while were eating lunch, we also saw a begger walk in and out of a shop with bags on one of richest streets in the world.  I thought that they were going to pick pocket Dad for a while. So did he, but he was watching them closely.

Then we walked all the way up the main street to the Arc de Triomphe.  It's an archway in the middle of a big roundabout at the top of the main street.  Under the arch is were an  unknown soldier is burried with a flame that never stop apart from a memoriol day when they re-light it again.

Then we had to walk all the way home and we had to walk under LA TOUR EIFFEL

These are the things I have noticed about living in Paris.  I noticed that the buildings here are cream.  There are lots of squares and cafes and bakeries and monuments.

The ground is sandy with trees lining all the paths, they are called avenues or boullervards.

You are not allowed on the grass. it's just for looking at.

I also noticed that France has the same gypsies and street sellers as elsewhere in europe - selling same things and eiffel towers (but not the real one - PHEW)

There are also people hugging and kissing in public and lots of tiny tiny little dogs. 

 That's my whole day au revoir from Paris!