Friday 15 July 2011

Prague - Day 1

When we woke up, after a while we went down to the buffet waiting for us.  Breakfast is different here so we had Hot Dogs! I tried the hot chocolate there but it was disgusting UGH!  We went back to our room and got some money for the day.  Outside the shops are different - they sell puppets, wooden toys and crystal glasses.  The buildings are also different - they are painted lots of different colours and look like giant dolls houses which girls would probably like.

Since it was ten minutes till ten O'clock we went down to the clock tower ( They have two clocks there not just one one of them is just a normal clock but in the middle  of that clock is an even smaller clock to show were the sun and moon are in the universe.) When we got there it just started and all the doll saints came out.  When it ended we soon went into a small church, we just went in to it for ten seconds.  we might go to a concert there tomorrow with an organ and trumpet.

After that we found a person that would take us to another person that would take us on a segway tour, apparently we were his first customers. It was definitely the best thing we'd done in Prague, all you do is put you weight forward our backwards to make it go back and forward.  It was heaps of fun, and while I was going up some little stairs I didn't go down instead I got some big air. We travelled all around the big city.  We were heaps faster than people using their poor legs.  Lots of tourists kept taking pictures of us.

We also went across Charles bridge, which leads to Prague Castle where Tintin went.  We are going to go there tomorrow to see the changing of the guard and other stuff I don't know about yet.

While we were there we stopped in at Saint Nicholas church which is pink and gold inside. Then we headed back.

When we got off the bridge we went into the Museum of torture, it had all the different instruments of torture some are still used today.

This is the chair of nails to get people to tell the truth

This is the iron maiden with spikes inside that poke you when its closed

This is the rack that can stretch you until you are as tall as Dad 

Now I am going to tea - BYE!

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