Friday 1 July 2011

More detailed Athens.

While I was there I saw the changing of the gaurd, not the English changing of the gaurd, but the Athenese changing of the gaurd as I like to call it. Here are some photos of the changing of the gaurd, althoug the cables are in the suit case dads going to get them out any way.

 If you look clocely at the tips of their shoes they have pom poms, and that they're wearing skirts, but the thing that's not girly is that he's holding a huge rifle. So I wouldn't walk up to him and go "Sup girly". By the way we are going to Mykonos. We also get an Infinity pool at the hotel!

1 comment:

  1. so you chose not to say 'sup girly' they do say that discretion is the better part of valour so well played joey. perhaps you could have grabbed one of the pompoms off a soldiers boot and then tried to tickle his toes with it? he might have thought that was funny :)

