Thursday 21 July 2011

Last day in France

First an answer to Uncle Michael's question. New Zealand has the best ice cream - of course.  But Italy has some pretty dam good ice cream to!

Today, I got up early and went up the Eiffel Tower. We were one of the first people there. But we had to wait half an hour until it opened. Even after that we still had to wait another quarter of an hour because it was late opening.

Once it opened, it started to rain, luckily we didn't need to wait long in the rain. We had to catch two lifts to reach the top - higher than the sky tower in NZ. Sadly it was very misty, so we didn't get a very good view from the top.

When we got down we went to a cafe where I ordered in french. "Un choclat chaud et un cafe espresso."

Next I went shopping with mum for clothes to wear to "The Ivy" restaurant tomorrow night. We'll have to look good for the papparazzi!  

I'll see you in the next woman's weekly or on my next blog

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