Monday 4 July 2011

Day two in Rome

Did you know that Italians have salami and bread rolls and chocolate cake for breakfast? That was what was available at our breakfast buffet this morning. 

We went to the colloseum today. There were heaps  of gladiators outside but I knew they were phonies.  One was talking on his cellphone. Inside they told us what would happen in the olden days. if an emperor came back from battle and succeeded he would make prisoners of war and gladiators re-enact the battle to show how it happened. Sometimes they would fill the colloseum stage with sand and let animals in like lions and put slaves or gladiators in to fight to the death.  Sometimes they would have gladiator fights (man on man) like wrestling WWE. Again they would fight to the death. gladiators would have different tricks. One would be fat (so they could be cut but not die) and the other would have shields or armour (but were slow), another would have nets to get their opponent tangled up. 

After that we went to the spanish steps, and people tried to sell us things like roses, umbrellas and torches, but they would run away when the police came.
Spanish Steps

We also went to see a church of skeletons. I thought it would be scary but it was just wierd. the bones of people were made into rooms and chandaliers and pictures.
Last we went to the trevi fountain and I threw a coin which means I would come back to rome another day. 

That's it.

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