Saturday 16 July 2011

More on Pra-gooey

First of all I would like to say HI to my Uncle, Aunt and my cousins HELLO!

When we woke up we had breakfast and crossed the Charles bridge. Then we started our journey to the castle.

Along the way we walked up a street that had no numbers just symbols for each house. There is the pink Lamb the golden Key, the golden Wheel, the green Lobster, the two suns and a swan on a Christmas tree!

In the castle grounds there is a Cathedral which is the head Cathedral in Pragooey. W went in it and then bobbed back out. I thought it was really long and all round massive. Here are some photos in and out of the Cathedral.

There was also a lane with little houses, and I mean they had small doorways. the houses were lived in by the gold smiths Five hundred years ago!! I went in one of the last ones and it had three floors of weaponry, shields and amour. Luckily for them also toilets.

Told you!!!

FIRE THE CANNONS!                                          

But what we really came here to see was the changing of the guard, I got front row seats or is that front row shoulders???? Personaly I think I did a pretty good job of taking the photos through solid steal gates.

                                                  ATTENTION! ADDEESE MEN!
After lunch we caught the cable car up to a park, The Monument is not the Eiffel Tower but a copy of the top part. While we were there we went into a mirror maze. Me and Dad thought it was the worst mirror maze put on this Earth. I would not advise you to go there if you ever come to Prague.

A great view over the water.

The water infront of the Charles bridge.

After that we went to a concert, not the YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! PUNK PUNK PUNK sort but a sort of HHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUU holy concert.

And now I'm just looking forward to going to Paris the home of weird but livible love. For the second time in my life.            OLIVE WA!

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