Thursday 21 July 2011

last few days in france

Yesterday we went to the TOUR DE EIFFEL to go up the three lifts, but the queues were to big so we're going to try again tomorrow.When we got out there were Gipsy's with fake petitions asking tourists to sign it. We knew that it was really a distraction to pickpocket people.

Then went to the Arc De Triomphe to go up to the top.  We stopped in a park and within 5 minutes 2 different gypsies walked past and amazingly each found a gold ring by where we were standing. I was about to say "PHONY, PHONY" about the ring but I was too kind.  Both of them asked us to take the rings and then for us to pay them. We thought this was weird.

Mum left us to go shopping while we went up the ARC DE TRIOMPHE. We had to wait a while unsurprisingly, when we finally started the climb we took some photos looking up. It didn't seem to take long before we reached the top.

I looked through a telescope on top, and saw that the Eiffel Tower was chocka with tourists.

We all stopped for lunch on the Champ Elysees before we went to the park by the Ritz.  Here again there were gypsies galore. I went on the superluge at the park - and I would highly recommend it. After that I went into an inflatable plastic ball in a pool, it was really hard to walk in.

Then went to the Notre Dame cathedral but the queue was too long to go in. As we left we met a man who knew the bombers of the "Rainbow Warrior" he said the wife of the French president live down the street we were at.

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