Wednesday 13 July 2011

Last day in Barcelona

After breakfast we went to the Rambla and saw some amazing human statues. I thought that the third one down was the scariest, because of its costume and it actually moved. The only one that you really can see me in is the first one down.

While we were still at the Rambla dad was lucky enough to get some photos of the con artists more likely to known as scammers. The reason I say lucky is because we saw another guy try to get photos but his crew wouldn't allow it, they also tried to take the camera off the guy.

Bellow this sentence is a picture that me and dad weren't really supposed to take. It's a picture of a spotter not a person looking for people with cameras, his job is to look out for police and tell the others when they arrive and it's time to move.  After lunch we saw all of them hiding down a side street. Sure enough when we got to the Rambla there were Policemen walking down the street.  The Spotter had let them know so they could hide.

Then after a while we went to the pool, not just any ordinary pool but the olympic pool that the olympic  divers used when the olympics came to Barcelona.  It was pretty close to the stadium, which we saw because our taxi driver got lost.   It had two pools, one was closed off which had the diving boards, and the other was one that was just open that the people like us could go in. Here's some photos of them.

It also had a great view of the sagrada familia which I told you about yesterday.

After that we took the train home, had dinner and will soon go to sleep.

My next post will be from PRA-GOOEY.    CIAO!

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