Wednesday 6 July 2011

Days 3 and 4

Yesterday I woke up to Thunder and Lightning! All the street sellers swapped from sun umbrellas to rain umbrellas, lots of tourists bought them but we were smart and said.... NO grazia!(which means no thank you in English.) Me and mum but mostly mum decided to go shopping. We went to one of the richest streets in the world, because all the famous italian designers have a shop there.  I bought a calligraphy set which is a quill and ink set with different tips so I can write like fancy people. Mum bought shoes as usual.

Dinner in Rome is outside on little tables which can be tricky because I always order pizza and it takes up most of the table until I eat it.  It's funny watching the italian people walk past.  They use their hands when they talk. It reminds me of Kermit the frog in The Muppet Show

After dinner we go to the square called the piazza navona and look at the art. I got the colloseum spray painted for me by this cool artist who uses hairspray and fire balls to finish the painting.

Today we took a train ride to a town outside rome called ORVIETO.  It sounds like icecream to me and it did have some great gelati. It had a big church in the square and is an old city. I mean really old where knights used to live and fight with swords and maces and catapaults and wear chain mail. I got to hold some of their weapons but Mum and Dad said I can't bring them back to NZ to show you guys because the police wouldn't let them in.    

Tomorrow I am going to Venice.  I'll tell you more then. CIAO!

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