Tuesday 12 July 2011

Barcelona Day 1

A final plank in Rome
In the morning we had to get up at 6:AM, then we had to check out and drag our bags to the water Taxi.
When we got there we had to get in the boat, the sit down, I personally thought it was like a limousine on water.

Whenever a boat drove past us we got shaken from the waves it didn't really matter weather it was smaller or bigger. Here's a photo of me in front of what I like to call the airport Island!
When we got there we had to check-in, then go through boarder security. Since we got up so early we had to get breakfast at the airport. Mum had a chocolate muffin, I had a Buffalo mozzarella  and tomato toasted sandwich, and Dad had toast. When we got on the plane we had to go to row 8. The plane ride took an hour to get to Spain.  It was just a flight across the sea really.

when we landed we had to go to our Apartment, when we got there we had to wait for a girl to come and open the door for us and show us our Apartment. Soon after we went for lunch.  In Barcelona they have lunch at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.  All the shops shut until 4.30pm so everyone can go to sleep after lunch(that was called a siesta). When we woke up at about 6 we headed out to dinner.  Dinner is at 8 o'clock at night.  That's my bedtime back home! we had tapas for tea in a big square with palm trees in it.  It had lots of outdoor cafes and we could sit and watch the street performers.  Tapas is just lots of different small plates of food that you pick what you want.

After dinner we went to a fountain called the magic dancing fountain, if you remember the one in Las Vegas I think they tried to copy this one in Barcelona. It starts at nine and then goes on until 11,(thats why we had our siesta) they have two different types of music the fountain dances to rock and ophra. Here are some photos of the night.

Soon after we headed back to our apartment and went to sleep.

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