Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day three in Barcelona! Montserrat

When we woke up this morning we headed out to breakfast. We stooped in at a cafe and we all had English breakfasts,(which is nothing short of good old bacon and eggs). Soon afterwards we went to the metro station and got our tickets to go to Montserrat. Then we had to take another train to the cable car. When we got there we went to the yellow cable car which would take us up to a little town high in the Mountains which is Montserrat. The people that live here are Monks and are studying the bible and Jesus. We thought that they were there to study in peace and Quiet.We realised that there were so many people there that that couldn't of been the reason, so maybe they just want to be up high to be closer to the king of kings.

We took a yellow cable car up to the mountain edge and went and saw the church.  I didn't see any monks but I did see a statue of saint Joseph

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