Friday 29 July 2011


                      We had an early start for our day at Disneyland so we could get there first.
Here we go ...
                                        First stop was Dumbo... mum was very uncomfortable

High-flying on Dumbo

                                             Then the Mad Hatter's tea-cups mum felt sick!
Dad wouldn't be smiling here
                                                 Then the finding Nemo - Submarine ride

                                      After lunch we headed to Paradise Pier.
                                              There were some BIG rides!

If only we hadn't just had lunch!
                                     Played Woody's arcade games which was awesome!
Mr Potato Head entertains at the Toy Story Game


Toy Story was worth the queue
                                        Then we headed back for the Main Street parade.
Main Street Parade

Main Street Parade
 Saw Jedi Training school.
Jedi Training

Come to the dark side we have cookies.
                                            And finished the day with some driving, and my creepy smile
                              Leaving tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. you went to the jedi training academy?!?!?!

    as if i wasn't already jealous enough about all your adventures.

    in fact i think my jealousometer has just redlined and cracked.

    yep, it's broken. better find another one on trademe. let's see. i'll search for 'extra strong jealousometer'

    ... waiting ....

    righto, here's the results. ok, i'll click to buy one and - oh, the fine-print says 'note, this jealousometer is not capable of measuring the jealousy of seeing someone go to the jedi training academy'. hmmm. right well that sinks that idea then.

    so master jedi joey, i'll look forward to seeing your jedi mind tricks woohoo

