Friday 8 July 2011

The sinking city Venice! Day one

First of all, I want everyone who's watching this to go on Youtube, then search up "beached as bro" and then pick the forth one down, me and some other people have already seen it and think it is quite funny.

Yesterday we flew from Rome to Venice(we are still in Italy). To get from the airport to our hotel we had to take a waterbus...yes you read it right, a bus that goes on the water.  Actually it's a boat with lots of seats.  That's because Venice roads are all made of water.  Even the motorway is water.  When we finally got to our 'bus stop' in Venice we had to find our hotel.  Unfortunately that was not so easy. Venice is like a maze and we couldn't find our street even though we had a map.  Dad asked some policemen but one pointed one way and the other pointed exactly the opposite other way.  Eventually we found it by ourselves.  My room is on the very top floor which is the third floor.

We went out for a walk but didn't get lost again, thank god.  We went into some wood work shops, and then moved on to the Rialto Bridge which is a bridge that crosses over the main canal.  It's like the main street of venice where all the boats and gondolas are.  Here are some pictures of what I am talking about.

More to come..

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