Monday 4 July 2011

First day in Rome

We had to get up really early to go to the airport (5.30 in the morning) but I didn't want to get up. well I did actually but I just couldn't. 
When we got there, we went to the smallest country in the world (the vatican) to see the pope who is in charge of the catholic church on earth.  We got there just in time. he stood at a window and everyone shouted out "WE LOVE THE POPE!"  There were nuns and monks and priests everywhere. 
il papa

Everything in rome is orange - well every building is orange I mean. There are fountains and statues everywhere. Even humans are pretending to be statues for money. 

Our hotel is just outside the Pantheon which is a huge temple now a church which has a hole in the top.  If it rains while you are there you will get wet.  The bathroom in our hotel has not only a toilet but an extra toilet beside it for cleaning your bum. I haven't used it yet. Don't plan on it either.

we went for tea by the piazza navona which is a square with cafes around the sides and huge fountains and statues in the middle. we stayed there till 10 o'clock at night watching the artists and street performers.  I watched an orchestra and hip hop dancers and got an artist to draw me as a cartoon. I also had gelato which is italian ice cream and its delicious.

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