Friday 8 July 2011

Second day in venice

This morning we woke up and went to breakfast (which wasn't the best), then we went to see a guy called Mike, he was the husband of the lady which was giving us a tour of Venice she was called Karen. I would recommend her  if you ever come to Venice. She was great she even told us how to take short cuts through the line. She even took us through the fish Market while we were there the fighter jets flew over us with coloured smoke to make the Italian flag.

We walked around the backstreets of Venice and she told me what it was really like to live here.  She showed us that there were these things in most corners that were called pee stoppers!  So if you tried to pee in the corner it would just run down onto your new shoes.  Good to know anyway?

The people that live in Venice have there own rubbish system, they have to drop there bag full of rubbish down onto the sidewalk (some of them lower their bags down with rope), then a person comes to collect it and then he takes it to the garbage barge and then sails off with it.

While we were walking around we saw a funeral. The coffin came on a funeral boat.  Since under the ground is just marsh they had to put their houses on underwater stilts. Karen said people decided to build here because someone was chasing them and trying to kill them.  The bad guys had horses but the people had boats because they were fisherman so this is where they hid.  And the horses couldn't get there.

To get to your house you have to take your boat to the front door or cross a bridge to get to it.

We were walking through we discovered this narrow alley here's a photo of me in it.

We also had a sneak peak inside a shop where a man was making paper mache masks.  There are heaps of them here.

Did you know that kids only go to school from 8.30 in the morning till 1 o'clock.  Lucky them.
                                        GOODBYE! CIAO!

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