Thursday 12 September 2013

Eze, Monaco and Ville Froanche

This morning after breakfast we all caught a bus to a small place called Eze Village on the way to Eze we drove up the hillside looking down upon Nice, on which a famous scene from an old movie by Alfred Hitchcock starring Grace Kelly before she became Princess of Monaco called "To Catch A Thief". Sadly later on when she was Princess she drove off the side of the hill mistakenly of course, here are some of the many photos of the beautiful hillside that is Eze Village.

After the hour or so visit to Eze Village we took the bus to a train stop (I say stop because instead of buying your tickets from a person you by them from a sort of vending machine and then you wait outside in the hot weather for the right train to come.) where we boarded a train which had two layers. It was chocker once we'd done that where we were in Monaco a country that can fit in Central Park New York, I think it is the second or third smallest country in the world. Where we went to see the changing of the guard at the Palace then we meet our old friend Mr. Hor last name Net (a giant wasp who seemed to like me and what I was eating). Next we went to the richest Casino in the world The Monte Carlo . 

That was our day pretty much, I hope to get add a bit more in my next post but that's all for now bye!


Tomorrow we are heading to a new country Marrakesh, Morocco.

Joseph Hewson

1 comment:

  1. Superb blog and photos Joseph. I believe that hill road is used for the famous race if you were on the one the Princess had her accident on.
    Grandad thought your photos (in the previous blog)of salami looked just like my baguettes - he meant ficelles! Even so I wasn't flattered but he corrected this when he had a closer look.
    Safe travels to Morocco and have fun.
