Friday 13 September 2013

Nice Photos About Yesterday

Yesterday after we had had lunch we went up a hill to go and visit the Monte Carlo Casino and because we were elevated we got a spectacular view of the yachts, there must have been over one hundred of them in all different shapes and sizes. By shapes I don't mean there were boats shaped like triangles or circles but they were huge and had spa pools, they really made you understand how wealthy you had to be to become a resident of Monaco home to the rich and famous.

Let's take a step back to before lunch(CRAZY I know but just hang in there for a minute or two.) when all us three climbed (I use the term loosely.)a hill to reach the palace of Monaco to see the changing of the guard. When we got to the top we saw the palace where at one end it kind of morphed into an medieval castle bearing the national flag of Monaco. When the changing of the guard started there was this very pushy old lady that was pretty much standing on my back whilst I was taking photos, it got to the point where I was prepared to walk away when good old mum came and saved the day and gave the woman a piece of her mind to back off my back. Once I'd gotten a moment  to mark my stay at Monaco we went to see the cathedral where the princess that I mentioned before, Grace Kelly is now buried there is also now a bone of an old saint which we could sadly not find the name of here are some photos.


Here is a cafe place where we had Ben&Jerry's at a small seaside town called VilleFranche. (We met our friend Mr Hor Net.)

We're going to the airport now to fly to Morocco now.

Joseph Hewson

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