Monday 23 September 2013

More Photos of Yesterday

Yesterday we went to an Island called Prison Island where we met some Tortoises - some had been there 200 years they think! and where we found out that in "Olden Africa Times" most people used mud mixed with stone to make walls, but only some people put seeds in them. When they put seeds in them when it rains little bits of water reach the seeds, and little by little the seeds turn into plants which turn into trees so eventually they have a great fruit tree either inside their house or on the outside wall(generally the outside). Anyway here are some photos we took while we were there.

this is the island
 our boat

Here is the prison that never was, it became a quarantine centre instead for yellow fever during the war.  which reminds me we had to show our yellow fever certificates before we could get into zanzibar airport.  One woman forgot her certificate so had to have her injection at the office in the airport before she got in! i'm so glad we remembered ours. (and had it done in NZ)
here are the mud walls with tress growing out of them

Here's the main reason for going to the island to meet the tortoises.
 This tortoise reminds me of my cat Paddy when he is sitting showing off his paws
(Except his paws are closer together).

it was so hard for them to walk with their house on their back!

This is the spice farm where we looked at all these different spices and fruits before they turn up in jars at countdown i.e cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, cardamon, ginger, turmeric, lemongrass, black peppercorns.

 This is nutmeg

Here is a person climbing for coconuts that he will soon give us.
That was the first REAL and Fresh coconut that I have ever had, the ones in countdown have been shipped or flown over and are all dried out according to me and the guy that gave the spice farm tour.  He would sing while he was climbing so people down below knew he was up there and coconuts could be falling.  we drank the juice then ate the coconut - it was the best

When we were on the tour the designer for the farm/plant was making crowns and accessories for us and here is the photo that he took of us when we were wearing them. 

That was our day in all it's glory with photos and info.

Joseph Hewson


  1. Hey Joey. Fantastic writing sir - perhaps a future in travel writing. Send a link to lonely planet. Tell your dad all is well here (I don't think he has been getting his emails over there). Look forward to the next post!

  2. Just love those hats, its a pity you cant bring them back! You would need a big jewellery box for those pendants. Great pics of the turtles there seem to be a lot of them and they seem very friendly too. Travel well and safely.
