Tuesday 24 September 2013

Second/Last Day of Zanzibar

Yesterday after breakfast we went on a snorkeling Safari around the barrier reef surrounding Zanzibar, Brad who is the head of the hotel took his waterproof camera and made a video/slideshow with music to give to us. We were told that it is better to go snorkeling in low tide obviously because there is less room for the fish to be swimming in. When we returned I went canoeing YAY! Which took up my time until lunchtime. After that me and my new friend (whose name I can't say because its Kenyan and complicated) played football together and then badminton which I have to say would be second only to the Snorkeling Safari. Sorry we don't have any photos, only a video which I guess will only be seen by the people in New Zealand i.e my school and family. The only way I can describe it is it feels like you are swimming in an  aquarium with brightly colored fish all different shapes and sizes. It was beautiful and the Sea was clear warm and turquoise colored. It looked very much like these pictures taken by other people

Joseph Hewson   


  1. What an active day that must have been. We are learning lots of new things from your travels without leaving home. Great armchair travel. You all look well too. Cheers

  2. The water sounds idyllic - even for a non swimmer! We look forward to that video when you get home. You have lots of international friends now and what an active day - made me tired.

  3. I like the idea that if you swim at low tide there are more fish. Bear Grylls would make a survival tip out of that!

  4. Hi Joseph , hear you had a rough landing coming back from your special time with the Masai. Really looking forward to reading more of your adventures when you are in contact again. Travel well and enjoy the time most of all. Say hello to Mum and Dad too
