Saturday 14 September 2013

Half and First Day In Marrakech

First of all I'm sorry that I couldn't get a post up yesterday it's just that we all spent most of the day at the Nice Airport so here's the story:

It started off as a normal day I'd just finished my last Blog post and we were on our way to the airport to fly to Morocco, Marrakech once we'd gotten to the airport it was the same old get checked in, go through customs get our passports checked all that sort of stuff. After about one hour or forty five minutes of waiting we thought it should be about time to board, when we turned round to look at the desk where two people who worked at the airport were we saw a big angry cowed of people shouting, pointing fingers so us being the normal curious people we are me and Dad went to see what all the commotion was all about. When we returned to our seats Mum was wondering what it was all about which was when we told her that according to them our plane hadn't taken off from Morocco yet. So we had two wait another four hours for the plane to actually arrive at the airport.

When we actually did get on the plane we found my Dad's safety sheet to be a make-shift jigsaw puzzle, instead of having a safety video like Air New Zealand they had one of the air stewards holding up props whilst the rest of the plane listened to the same instructions in Arabic, French and English (In that order and mum's chair kept falling backwards at weird times.). Ok Ok I have to admit the flight wasn't all bad I did get to get the pilots signatures in my book (Whilst the plane was flying......), I also got to see Arabia's Got Talent starring the Human Pretzel and a man that did amazing things with bubbles. When we landed everything was fine, the lines to get into the country were a bit long but hheeyy I'm cool with it, I saw some bags that came of the conveyor belts picked them up and put them back on, those bags may have touched cocaine or heroin or meth, could get swabbed for drugs and be in prison for some time but hhheeeyyy (DEAR GOD HELP ME!!! *sniff* *sniff*) - just joking.

All I can say is that as soon as we got to the Riad that I'm staying at it was like heaven, because it was crazy traffic and people everywhere outside and inside the big doors of the riad it was quiet and still. When we got in we were welcomed with Moroccan Tapas and two well cooked Tagines and some delicious puddings.  Here are some photos of the Riad.  

Today we went on a massive tour of the Old Morocco that's taken up most of our day here are some photos with some little information blurbs.

The local butcher with half a cow hanging in the alleyway.  Across from him were some chickens lined up and waiting on death row

Here are some photos of the baker and the bread and peanuts that he has cooked and roasted.

Here is a photo all the different colours of leather being left out to dry.

Here is a view of the iron part of the Medina.

Here are some photos of the glass and iron souqs that we passed.

We haven't got a photo of it but in one of the souqs I bought a very cool wooden puzzle box that is very hard to find out how to open it I only know because the person told me. On the way down a street before entering a shop a guy put this scarf around me because he wanted me to buy it because I knew about this sort of thing and that it happened to me in France when I was four as soon as he had done it I took it off and said no thank you and walked into the shop. The same thing happened when I walked out but it was easy to get over.

Here are some photos of the main square which have snake charmers with cobras, pythons and even a rattlesnake was offered to me to hold - I passed on that!), orange juice stands that I don't trust for one reason or another(This isn't the main one but they handed the same glass of juice from one person to another without washing the glass.).

This is where people study the Kuran for five years.

This is me watching my name being written in Arabic Calligraphy with dye.

Joseph Hewson

1 comment:

  1. Heh, Joey... nice blog so far. Hope mum and dad are having a great time like you are! From Mark G.
