Sunday 29 September 2013

Our Visit to The Maasai Village

First of all I would like to say that I grew up knowing that my parents when in Africa saw the Maasai People when they came to their camp after dinner and that they were very good jumpers and that they wore a red uniform and metal Accessories and carried big knifes and had holes in their ears, so when I heard that we were going to a Maasai Village I was so excited because I would finally see the Maasai Warriors that I'd only seen photographs of before. Any way here are the photos and a description of what is happening in them.

But wait, first I should tell you that our driver John was Masaai and he took us to the village.  He told us they get their holes in their ears by cutting with a knife and then sticking a stick in the whole and swapping for a bigger stick and then a bigger one and then an even bigger one.  He didn't become a masaai warrior because when he was looking after his dad's herd of cows he kept losing some of them.  His Dad got really mad and went to the council of elders and said his son was hopeless and should be punished.  They agreed and so sent him to school instead - he was 9 years old.  so now he has studied and learned so much about the animals and the land he can be a tour guide and not a Masaai cow herder.  he was really pleased and said the hyena is his favourite animal because it meant he could go to school.

Here is what the village looked like once you'd gone through one of the many openings in the wall surrounding made of wooden sticks and and very very dry grass. Each house is for each woman in the village and each gate onto the village is for each family in the village

This is the Maasai Warriors welcome dance with a Maasai song that they sang to go with it,
it was so awesome.

This is the Jumping competition that I mentioned earlier, they got me, Dad and Mum to join in it was like a dream come true :)

This was Dad competing against the best jumper in the village, the higher you jump the more girlfriends you get, Dad got told he could get all the girlfriends he wanted because he jumped the highest.

This is how funny the Maasai thought he was. 

Inside the village the women were waiting to sing for us. 

 Here's the hut the women have to build, all by themselves out of mud and cow dung.  there is one woman per hut but she might be one of many wives for a masaai guy.

This is me and mum sitting in the hut with a Maasai Warrior who was the chief's son. 

Shopping at the Maasai market.

That night they came to the camp and we danced and sang and they made me their chief it was the best night of my life by far and I doubt it will ever change.

It was the most fun I've had ever it was awesome and I can't stop thinking about it, I'm definitely coming back hopefully next year.

Joseph Hewson, Maasai Warrior in training


  1. Awesome is the right word Joseph. Each location seems to just get better and better. Not sure how you can top this though!

  2. Wow - Joseph, Maasai Chief! I hope you don't have to have the ear piercing as part that ceremony? Luckily they look like a very friendly bunch of warriors.
