Saturday 28 September 2013

Flying Between Zanzibar-Kenya Maasai Mara via Nairobi

Flying to Kenya, Masai Mara via Nairobi(Yes that is where the mall is with the terrorists.)

Once we'd flown to Nairobi we had to go through the old terminal used for cargo because the international one had burned down last month.  it was dinner time but it was very heavy traffic so we were stuck there for a while, with people walking down the lanes of the motorway trying to sell us bananas, bags of nuts, soccer balls - all sorts of things. When we in the taxi the radio was interrupted by a breaking news bullitein. The topic "The Mall Was Taken Back By The Police of Nairobi" which of course was brilliant fantastical news, When we reached the road of the hotel which was lined with army personal with big guns because of the Israeli Embassy was accross the road. We had to be checked to make sure that we were actually staying at the hotel. After that we still had to put our bags through a bag scanner(Not Technical Termonology) that looked like it belonged at the airport.

After a good night's sleep (and an awfull breakfast) we headed to the airport, to my amazement when we were waiting to board the plane there was a local tv show running and this is my idea of what happened:

scene one: Women takes a massive over dose of a drug then her friend comes into the room to save her but finds she is to late because she had spent all her time outside dancing while she shut her car doors.

scene two: Two teenagers that obviously haven't heard of a belt to hold their jeans up walk into a mansion, when one of the teens sits on a couch the other goes over to a door to find a women crying inside. (I was expecting a TA DA! so I thought I might as well do it  as well but as soon as I'd done it others just stared at me)

Scene three: All characters go to the ladys funeral to which they all start crying(as you do) and then the show ended.

After we'd found the plane (Yes we were playing hide and seek with it. :P) we boarded to find the pilot wearing... ya know casual dress (as you can see I was already worried about his qualifications). It was about an hour or so of flying in a 12 seater not row plane. While we were waiting to board at the airport we were sitting between the weirdest Americans EVER! (I'm not saying all Americans are like that by the way) - they were about thirty something and they were part of a big safari tour group, they were trying to do the math of how the rest of the people in their tour group could possibly fit in a plane that size. To make the situation even more mind blowing they had been told a numerous amount of times that they would be in different planes. Lets just say it made for a very interesting plane ride while they still tried to work it out loudly.

Joseph Hewson

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