Sunday 29 September 2013

My First Safari on the Masai Mara/Ever

When we landed we were greeted by our driver for our time staying at Intrepid Safari Camp, when we'd gotten back to our home for the next three nights we were told about what was happening and how things were done around here with some fresh mango and passion juices. After that introduction we were taken to our tent where we were told to look around until our first Safari which was at 3:30-6:00, when that time came we went to the main meeting point for all Safaris where we were greeted by a Man called Joseph that cooked pancakes for us to give us energy for the safari (They were actually crepes but they call them pancakes). When we first left the camp site grounds we were met by these interesting Baboons.

Then we saw a group of these birds loitering around the Football field.

Then we met this funny chap just wondering along without any care in the world
his name was Warthog.

As we were looking around for animals this what we saw.... five or so trucks surrounding a certain point which we eventually drove up to.

This is what they were surrounding.. a leopard the second rarest animal in the whole reserve,
second only to the Rhino.

Usually they're in trees hiding from hyenas but she wasn't until.....

Our guide John told us that leopards can kill their dinner and bring a whole wildebeest up the tree with its mouth and then snack on it for days.  The one we saw just wanting to snooze.  

This may look like a leopard but is actually the worlds fastest land animal the cheetah.  She is standing on a termite mound looking for something to eat.

look how camouflaged she can be among the grasses.

We saw vultures waiting to clean up and snack on whatever the cheetah finally catches.

Here's the tallest animal in the world, the Giraffe

Here is the king of the jungle - having a snooze.

Following this we returned back to the camp where we had dinner and then went to sleep too.

Joseph Hewson


  1. The safari was wonderful. I hope you came again for the second viisit, no one can avoid the beauty of Masai Mara.
